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John Newman reveals that his brain tumour is back

‘Love Me Again’ singer, John Newman has revealed over social media that his brain tumour is back, just 4 years after he was initially diagnosed with a harmless brain tumour in 2012.
The british singer-songwriter mentioned in a recent tweet, ‘There was always a chance it would return and it is unfortunate but it is something that I am prepared to get through when the time is right.’ Because Newman has experienced this before, he is a lot calmer this time around, but it is still unfortunately a really challenging battle.
After a lot of past experience with tumours, Newman knows how to keep a positive attitude at the worst of times. Despite both of his difficult diagnosis', at the young age of 26, Newman refers to himself as ‘one of the lucky ones’. He hoped to use this situation as an opportunity to raise awareness for others in similar positions.
Although the tumour is believed to be harmless, it appears to have a few cancerous cells on it. He will need to unwillingly pause his career to undergo surgery in order to remove the tumour. Since the tumour has remained the same size for a while, the surgery can wait until next year.
Newman relieved his fans, assuring them that he will continue working on his third album, stating, ‘Nothing will ever stop me from making music.’
Sites used: Mtv, People Magazine and Daily Mail
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